Monday, March 26, 2007

Post 2nd Surgery***Yo, Getto people, jelous yet? nice shiny stuff on my teeth....baaaad! to the bone. -

These below X-rays, you should not worry about as you will most likely only go throught ONE MMA just shows more wires and more screws to the jaws...

Hi, just came back from my surgeon's office. Pain level is down, very low today! hurrray! I have been very happy because I have some of my old friends from Tampa writing, my beautiful Cisco collegues, and family.......I am truly overwhelmed with love and sincere human kindness!

Well, as the tiltle says, more wires and more screws after this second surgery......Have a look and please dont even try to rob me, these are not gold screws or wires, these are titanium and they are all MINE.....i dont share - Thank God!

Meet my friend Willow, on the first picture! he is a special patient dog at know my love for animals specially Dogs.....He turly brought me such joy! i did not want to let him go.....these animals are truly healers.

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